The spring's users' meetings
8/2, 8/3, 5/4, 3/5 and 7/6.
Cancelled users' meeting
The next neuGRID meeting
2011 spring talks
Academic meetings at SMILE, spring 2011:
Thursday 13/1 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room:
Gabriela Spulber (PhD student at Institute of Clinical Medicine/Neurology at University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio and Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Clinical geriatrics, Karolinska Institute):
”Visualizing normal aging”
Thursday 20/1 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room (extra meeting):
Amirhossein Manzouri (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Medical Imaging at KTH):
“Tract based statistics of white matter analysis: clustering versus ROI”
Thursday 27/1 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room:
Olof Lindberg (PhD student at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Clinical geriatrics, Karolinska Institute):
“The frontal lobe: at conceptual, structural and functional levels”
Thursday 3/2 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room (extra meeting):
Stefania Geraci (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Electronic systems for biomedical applications at Department of electronics, informatics and system science at University of Bologna, Italy):
“Reduction of pulse artefacts in EEG data recordings at 3T”
Thursday 10/2 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room (extra meeting):
Victor Alvarez Barrientos (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Medical Imaging at KTH):
“Brain image processing for revealing early Alzheimer's disease signs”
Thursday 31/3 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room:
Anna Gärdin (MD, PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet, Division of Medical Imaging and Technology, and Department of Radiology):
"MRI in chronic Achilles tendinosis"
Thursday 21/4 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room:
Xiaozhen Li (PhD student at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Clinical geriatrics, Karolinska Institute):
"Assessment of AD risk with novel MRI techniques"
Thursday 26/5 at 11.00 in the R43 conference room:
Lena Cavallin (MD, PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet, Consultant in neuroradiology):
"Visual assessment of MTA is good enough... "
Book project "Neuroimaging"
Here is the detailed information:
My name is Mrs. Sandra Bakic and I am contacting you regarding a new InTech book project under the working title "Neuroimaging", ISBN: 978-953-307-413-9.
This book will be published by InTech - Open Access Publisher covering the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine.
You are invited to participate in this book project based on your paper "Voxel-based correlation between coregistered single-photon emission computed tomography and dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging in subjects with suspected alzheimer disease", your publishing history and the quality of your research. However, we are not asking you to republish your work, but we would like you to prepare a new paper on one of the topics this book project covers.
Publication of the book is scheduled for 25 July, 2011. It will be abstracted and indexed in major online repositories and search engines. The book will also be available online and you will receive a hard copy via express delivery service.
Why should you participate?
- "Neuroimaging" covers your area of research
- Free online availability increases your paper's impact
- Each InTech book chapter is downloaded approximately 1000 times per month
- More citations of your work (research findings indicate that papers published under the Open Access model are likely to enjoy increased citation rates)
- You keep the copyright to your work
NEXT STEP: For further details about this book project please visit
On this page you can find a detailed description of the book project, its scope and topics, details of the publishing process and a registration form.
For further details about InTech and Open Access please visit:
- About InTech: http://www.intechweb.org/welcome/e4321a4d45346699f9ada729290e156a/lena.cavallin@karolinska.se#about
- About Open Access: http://www.intechweb.org/welcome/e4321a4d45346699f9ada729290e156a/lena.cavallin@karolinska.se#oa
If you need more information about this book project, InTech or Open Access, please don't hesitate to contact me.
On behalf of InTech President, Aleksandar Lazinica,
Mrs. Sandra Bakic
Publishing Process Manager
InTech - Open Access Publisher
Email: bakic@intechweb.org
Web: http://www.intechweb.org/
Dr. Howner
Going to Geneva
TEDx event at KI
Now running Ubuntu...
We need to think about if brage should again be set up as a slave to freja or if we want it to be a free-standing machine. This will be discussed at the next user meeting.
Glögg party!
User meeting moved
Study subjects wanted
Hermes: az and obelix
New talk added
Katarina Wahlund (PhD student at Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm): Offenders with mental disorder: psychosocial and neurobiological aspects
All are welcome!
New on freja
LONI pipeline
MRIcro and MRIcroN
Java and Firefox
Cancelled talk
Hermes az service
Forwarding of blog entries
Clean up Hermes desktops, please!
Also, several programs have been downloaded without prior permission (as the data contract clearly states must not be done). The settings of the hermes user has been changed so that this is no longer possible.
New conference website
Matlab learning event
As previously noted on the emailing list, there will be a Matlab learning event at SMILE, given by Carlos.
The first meeting will be on Monday 18th of October at 15.00 in the R43 conference room. Carlos will give an initial talk introducing Matlab for those of you who are interested in learning the language: no previous knowledge of Matlab or programming is needed. In this first meeting the plan is to cover the basis (from zero), so even those who have never seen or used Matlab can feel comfortable.
New posters now on display
Invitation to Mehregan
It is time to celebrate MEHREGAN the second most important traditional Iranian festival to honor “MEHR”, which means friendship, affection and love. It is also widely referred to as Persian Festival of Autumn. This festival starts with a cultural event and follows by a BIG PARTY which makes it an unforgettable night. Special part: Mehregan Traditional Table (don’t miss it) Bring cash with you! Drinks (Alcoholic and None) and snacks are available to buy. Entrance fee for students 50 SEK, non-students 100 SEK.
Tomorrow Friday 8th of October at 7:30pm - Saturday at 1:00am
KTH, Main campus, Nymble(Main entrance)
User practice -- LONI
- the LONI Pipeline Processing Environment
- the gLite middleware for communicating with the grid
- neuGRID computing itself
All are welcome!
A seminar in shape theory
Here is the detailed description:
Time: Wed 2010-09-29 kl 13.15 - 15.00
Place: Room 3733 Lindstedtsvägen 25
Contact: Ozan Öktem (790 6606) or Sandra Di Rocco (790 7168)
Weblink: http://www.kth.se/sci/institutioner/math/kalender/2.21854/seminars/an-overview-of-computational-anatomy-1.65738
An overview of Computational Anatomy
Joint CIAM/Algebra and Geometry Seminar by Stéphanie Allassonnière from Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, Ecole Polytechnique.
The seminar will provide an overview of Computational Anatomy which is an emerging discipline at the interface of geometry, statistics and image analysis, that aims to analyse and model biological shape variability at the population scale. The goal is not only to model the normal mean anatomy and its normal variations among a population, but also to discover morphological differences between normal and pathological populations, and possibly to detect, model and classify pathologies from structural abnormalities. Another goal is to correlate this variability information with other functional, genetic or structural information.
First, the goals and mathematical tools which are needed for such methods are presented. In particular, the focus will be on the deformable template framework, which assumes that the shapes that come from a given group (in term of age, sex, disease) are close to each other up to a class of deformations.
Next, the registration issue is introduced which is the central tool in this context. Its goal is to find the 'optimal' deformation that maps one shape onto another one. Some techniques which have been proposed to solve it will be presented bringing us to the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM). This mathematically well-grounded method allows one to consider the registration of landmarks, curves, surfaces and images within the same framework.
The last part of the presentation will focus on the probabilistic and statistical questions that arise when we are provided with a population of images or shapes. The main issue is how to compute a "mean" and a "deviation" from this set. The main tools and results will be introduced whereas a more specific tutorial given the day after will discuss further issues.
Stéphanie Allassonnière received her PhD in 2007 from the Université of Paris 13 (France) in Applied Mathematics . The thesis was supervised by Alain Trouvé (ENS- Cachan) and Laurent Younes (CIS - Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore) and dealt with statistical estimation of template images using generative models. She then spent one year as a postdoctoral fellow in the CIS working with Laurent Younes and Michael Miller on statistics for medical imaging. Since 2008, she have been Assistant Professor in Ecole Polytechnique in the Applied Mathematics Department where she has continued her research on statistical analysis of images and deformations. In particular, she is studying the mathematical properties of the statistical estimators and stochastic estimation algorithms. She was recently awarded the "Prix Excellencia 2010" for her research work.
New seminar on the seminar list
Thursday 11th of November:
Love Nordin (PhD student at Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital): Detection of drug related cortical responses and pathophysiological mechanisms by using arterial spin labelling MRI techniques
ARC lecture
neuGRID user test meeting, Brescia
User meetings
Tuesday 12/10
Tuesday 16/11
Tuesday 7/12
Autumn academic seminars
Thursday 7th of October:
Eric Westman (PhD at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Clinical geriatrics, Karolinska Institute): A report from ICAD 2010
Thursday 14th of October:
Daniel Ferreira Padilla (PhD student at Psychobiology and Methodology Department, Faculty of Psychology, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain): Image analysis under FreeSurfer: NGF dataset as test images
Thursday 28th of October:
Gabriela Spulber (PhD student at Institute of Clinical Medicine/neurology at University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio and Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Clinical geriatrics, Karolinska Institute): TBD
Thursday 18th of November:
Tracing students (Linnea Engström, CH Ehrenkrona, Nathalie Thomé, Jenny Åström, all undergraduate students at Karolinska Institute): Manual tracing of the hippocampus, the anterior cingulate cortex and the entorhinal cortex
Thursday 25th of November:
Michael Schöll (PhD student at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Division of Alzheimer Neurobiology, Karolinska Institute): Application of PET in Alzheimer's disease
Thursday 16th of December:
Martin Uppman (PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and technology at Karolinska Institute, Stockholm): Integrating EEG and MRI
Starter Kit
Call for exam work projects
Visitors and a new co-worker
- Daniel Ferreira Padilla, PhD student at Psychobiology and Methodology Department, Faculty of Psychology, University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, from August 2nd to November 1st. He is working together with Gabriela Spulber in Lars-Olof Wahlund's group.
- Stefania Geraci from Department of electronics, informatics and system science at University of Bologna, Italy, from August to January 2011. She is performing her master's thesis work (Reduction of pulse artefact in EEG data recordings at 3T) with Tie Qiang Li as supervisor.
We also welcome Carlos Aguilar Palomeque who will be working part-time in the lab for six months, mainly helping out with the computers.
Long hiatus
neuGRID users' mailing list
More news about the power cut
Autumn Statistica courses
The Statistica catalogue sent to me gives a list of the Statistica Stockholm course dates for autumn:
STATISTICA BLOCK 1: 12-13 October, KS, Huddinge
and 9-10 November, KS, Solna
STATISTICA BLOCK 2: 11-12 November, KS, Solna
STATISTICA BLOCK 3: 1-2 December, KS, Solna
Interested? Read more about the Statistica courses at http://statsoft.se/utbildningar (only in Swedish: contact me if you need translation).
Prolonged power cut at R43
Matlab courses
Julia is leaving!
a) Fika at 15.00 tomorrow Thursday in the lab
b) A "knytkalas" in Haga Park on Sunday! For details of the latter, check your mailbox for the latest SMILE mailing list message.
More coffee
See the neuGRID video
neuGRID project from neuGRID Consortium on Vimeo.
After work!
Matlab, SPM5, SPM8 installed
SPM has also been installed on freja, both version 5 and version 8. Start matlab, then type spm5 or spm8 depending on which version you want to run.
New guest arriving after the vacations
Booking of freja
Upgrading of the card+code entrance system
The implementation has already started, but thankfully at the other end of the hospital, so we will probably not be affected until autumn. However, I need to collect information about your cards already now in order to make the transition as smooth as possible. Please tell me at the latest on the 15th of July if you have:
a) a SIS-marked card. You'll find the SIS-mark to the left on your card.
b) an OSIS-card (similar to the SIS card but without the SIS-mark). Students at KI will at some point be given this type of card by their institution, I've been told.
I will send in lists with the holders of SIS/OSIS-cards to central management, who will then enter your card into the system.
All others have to use a K-badge for access (you don't need to check back with me if that is what you have). Unfortunately, the old K-badges will not work with the new system, so you will have to have a new badge made for you. The machine to produce such badges is not installed yet, so we will have to wait until autumn to get you set up within the new access system.
ICAD 2010
On their return, their posters will be displayed in Imagelab -- which also means that some old ones will have to be taken down. I will not throw away the old posters but will keep them for future (exhibition) use, but if you have a darling poster which you want to keep on the wall, tell me so that I can consider how to structure the new poster display.
A great article about neuGRID
Grid infrastructures for computational neuroscience: the neuGRID example
Don't miss the visit by Metin Gurcan!
Don't miss this opportunity to hear about their state-of-the-art image processing software!
Clean your Hermes working folders!
On obelix the purge will be hard: data will be deleted. On julius the purge will be soft: data will be moved to your archive instead.
Hermes updated
It is now also much easier to import and export files in different formats from the Gold3 environment. You can choose beetween DICOM and IF and where to put your data (on a USB stick, for instance). N.B: it's only possible in Gold3, and you probably have to tweak your personal settings to make it work. There will be instructions in the red binder in the lab bookshelf about this shortly.
Fan to MAX
End of the neuGRID meeting + testing results
The next neuGRID meeting will be held on 6th to 9th of September in Brescia, Italy. We are currently discussing the possibility of bringing a few SMILE users down to Brescia to complement their pool of test users. The day earmarked for the tests will be the 7th of September. Contact the manager for more information!
The neuGRID meeting is in full swing
A web page about neuGRID
You can find the web page here:
Juha passed
Experienced radiologist wanted
Her project description can be found at the SMILE webpages at
or contact her directly at her KI address.
FSL vs SPM vs Civet
Miika is back for a week
neuGRID training and hands-on session
In case you are interested in taking part in the neuGRID training and testing session, please contact me! We have room for 5-6 users, and 4 seats are already taken. Note that you as thanks for your services will be invited to the neuGRID social activity in the evening of the 8th -- a dinner cruise with m/s Stockholm to Vaxholm...
Julia stays a little longer
will prolong her stay at SMILE by another month and a half. She will now return to Spain in mid-July. We're happy to have Julia with us for a while longer!
Dissertation by Juha Martola
All are welcome!
Peter Aspelin on television
The show is in Swedish and will be aired twice:
Thursday May 27th 16.20-17.25
Saturday May 29th 12.35-13.35
Working on obelix is full
The fan
However, if you do turn off the fan, turn the fan back on when leaving the lab! This will be especially important when summer approaches...
Data contract
Please come by SMILE at your leisure to sign such a contract.
Extra academic meeting
Thursday 3rd of June at 11.00 in the R43 conference room:
Carlos Aguilar Palomeque -- "Machine learning algorithm for studies in Alzheimer’s disease"
All are welcome!
neuGRID Best Demo
Picture proof enclosed, from the aula at Uppsala University.
A reminder about bibliometry
You can go to a half-hour seminar on how to verify your publications, either on 11th of May or on 20th of May, both days at 14.30-15.00 in Birkeaulan.
Hermes -> valhall
Exam work projects
Valborg lunch cancelled
Jeffrey Looi in the lab
Looi talk moved forward
The talk will now take place on Wednesday the 28th at 11.00 in the R43 conference room. All are welcome!
Course in Imagelab on 4th of May
Valborg lunch, Uppsala
Old freja files accessible
neuGRID second year review successful
neuGRID summer meeting moved
Moving the users' meetings
The March meeting is moved from the 16th to the 23rd.
The April meeting is moved from the 20th to the 27th.
Both meetings will be held at 11.00 in the R43 conference rooms.
Eva's spring absences
15th - 19th of March: neuGRID meeting in Amsterdam
25th -26th of March: neuGRID second year review in Brussels
12th - 15th of April: 5th EGEE User forum in Uppsala
20th - 22nd of April: DCMTK (dicom toolkit) course in Oldenburg
In June (31st of May - 3rd of June) the neuGRID quarterly meeting will be held here at Karolinska, so you can expect me to be very much out of the office then too.
The latest from the lab
* Congratulations to Yi Zhang on defending his thesis successfully!
* Old freja died, new freja is up and running but not yet up to par (e.g. the dicom server is not working)
* We have visitors, right now and upcoming:
-- Julia Miralbell (PhD student at Department of Psychiatry and psychobiology, University of Barcelona, Spain) who will stay until the end of May
-- Ariadna Besga (Postdoc at Carlos III Health Institute, Madrid, Spain) who will stay until the end of March but will be back later in the spring
--Jeffrey Looi (Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Australian National University Medical School, Canberra, Australia) will be visiting during 26th of April to 7th of May
* We have two exam work projects in the lab:
-- Carlos Aguilar Palomeque on "Machine learning classification of Alzheimer patients based on MR data" (currently running)
-- Victor Alvarez Barrientos on "Brain image processing for revealing early Alzheimer's disease signs" (starts in May)
* Oh, and Pierre left the lab on 16th of December for work elsewhere.