Talk moved
Today's talk "Microscopic image analysis in pathology" by Gareth Morgan has been postponed until a later date.
New talk
A new talk -- an exam work presentation -- has been added to the seminar list.
Thursday 13th of October: Mahsa Fatahi (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Medical Imaging at KTH):
Progression of Multiple Sclerosis related atrophy, evaluated by MRI based FSL volumetric method
It will take place at 11.00 in the R43 conference room (as always).
Thursday 13th of October: Mahsa Fatahi (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Medical Imaging at KTH):
Progression of Multiple Sclerosis related atrophy, evaluated by MRI based FSL volumetric method
It will take place at 11.00 in the R43 conference room (as always).
Nobel forum halfday
There will be an interesting halfday Nobel forum workshop entitled "Neuronal network function in normal aging and Alzheimer´s disease" on October 6th (register before Spetember 30th). Read more on the
KI webpage.
KI webpage.
2011 autumn talks
Finally the schedule for the autumn's talks has been finalised!
Thursday 29th of September:
Gareth Morgan (Senior lecturer at Department of Pathology, Karolinska University Hospital):
Microscopic image analysis in pathology
Thursday 20th of October:
Yanlu Wang (PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet):
Functional Network Identification in Human Resting-state fMRI using Hierarchical Clustering by Time-Lagged Correlations
Thursday 27th of October:
Virginija Karrenbauer (PhD student at Department of clinical neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet) and collaborators:
Comparison of MRI lesion location in multiple sclerosis patients with and without oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid
Thursday 24th of November:
Babak Hooshmand (PhD student at Aging Research Center and KI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet):
The impact of homocysteine and B vitamins on Alzheimer's disease, cognitive performance, and structural brain changes
Thursday 15th of December:
Carl-Henrik Ehrenkrona (student at Department of Psychology, Karolinska University Hospital): Atrophy, reserve and compensation:
A tentative framework for understanding brain-cognition relationships in aging. Preliminary results from the SNAC-K project
Thursday 29th of September:
Gareth Morgan (Senior lecturer at Department of Pathology, Karolinska University Hospital):
Microscopic image analysis in pathology
Thursday 20th of October:
Yanlu Wang (PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet):
Functional Network Identification in Human Resting-state fMRI using Hierarchical Clustering by Time-Lagged Correlations
Thursday 27th of October:
Virginija Karrenbauer (PhD student at Department of clinical neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet) and collaborators:
Comparison of MRI lesion location in multiple sclerosis patients with and without oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid
Thursday 24th of November:
Babak Hooshmand (PhD student at Aging Research Center and KI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet):
The impact of homocysteine and B vitamins on Alzheimer's disease, cognitive performance, and structural brain changes
Thursday 15th of December:
Carl-Henrik Ehrenkrona (student at Department of Psychology, Karolinska University Hospital): Atrophy, reserve and compensation:
A tentative framework for understanding brain-cognition relationships in aging. Preliminary results from the SNAC-K project
Dissertation by Michael Schöll
Michael Schöll will defend his thesis on Friday 7th of October, at 09.30 in the lecture room 9Q Månen, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge. The title is "A Multi-tracer PET approach to study early-onset familial and sporadic Alzheimer's disease", and you can read the thesis at http://hdl.handle.net/10616/40696
All are welcome!
All are welcome!
Dissertation by Gunnar Herlin
Gunnar Herlin will defend his thesis on Friday 23rd of September, at 09.00 in the lecture room C1-87, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge. The title is "Nuclear medicine imaging of lung cancer and esophagus cancer", and you can read the thesis at http://hdl.handle.net/10616/40609.
All are welcome!
All are welcome!
New exam work available!
We can offer a new exam work opportunity in Stefan Brené's group at the Experimental MR unit at KERIC, Karolinska University Hospital in Solna (see http://expmr.ki.se/). The work consists of data analysis of pharmacological MRI rat experiments on the 9.4 T animal camera. A suitable background includes knowledge in MATLAB programming and statistical evaluation.
For more information, please contact Peter Damberg or Stefan Brené (ask the manager for their contact details).
For more information, please contact Peter Damberg or Stefan Brené (ask the manager for their contact details).
Dissertation by Johanna Öberg
Johanna Öberg will defend her thesis on Friday 30th of September, at 09.00 in Hörsalen, NOVUM, floor 4, KI Campus Huddinge. The title is "Multivariate data analysis applied to MRS and MRI studies of aging and spinal cord injury", and you can read the thesis at http://hdl.handle.net/10616/40701.
All are welcome!
All are welcome!
New exam workers
We have two new exam workers in the lab:
- Olga Voevodskaia from KTH will work with Tie and Martin on a thesis about the reliability of GABA measurements using MRS
- Farshad Asrami from Linköping University is supervised by Eric and Carlos on a project for AD classification using multivariate analysis
Donation to KTH
One of the largest private donations ever made to KTH (70 million SEK) will be used to create a new center in image analysis, and SLL is at the same time creating a new professorship to be situated at the center. The center will strengthen the collaboration between Karolinska Institutet, the university hospital and KTH.
You can read more about the donation and the center in Dagens Medicin (in Swedish) here and here.
SMILE is represented in the center development group by Peter Aspelin and Eva.
You can read more about the donation and the center in Dagens Medicin (in Swedish) here and here.
SMILE is represented in the center development group by Peter Aspelin and Eva.
Brain Power meeting
This year's Brain Power meeting will take place on September 29-30. SMILE will be represented by Carlos (who will give a talk), Olof (who will show a poster), Eric and Lars-Olof.
Yet another postdoc position
From professor Metin Gurcan (whom some of you may remember from his visit here last summer) has sent me a flyer for an open postdoc position in medical image analysis at his home lab The Clinical Image Analysis Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ohio State University, USA. Deadline 28/10. Read more on the SMILE webpages!
neuGRID success
neuGRID has been listed on the EU:s Research infrastructure Success stories homepage. See it all here:
One more postdoc position
You can find the call for an open post-doc position in Clinical neuroscience and neuroimaging with focus on studies of cerebral changes related to chronic psychosocial stress at KI on the SMILE webpages. Deadline 30/9.
Postdoc position
You can find the call for an open post-doc position in fMRI at Stress Research Institute on the SMILE webpages. Deadline 15/9.
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