Some further information about when the KTH course in Compressed sensing starts and where the lectures are given.
The course starts on Monday Febr. 6 at 15:15 and the lectures are given in seminar room 3733, Lindstedtsvägen 25, floor 7. The webpage of the course is
Statistica course
When describing the spring course plan at SMILE earlier, I forgot to mention that we during the spring also plan to hold an introduction to Statistica -- how to run the program (not to statistics in general). Further information later on.
Move of obelix
The Hermes server obelix will be moved to a new, more computer-friendly environment on floor six at some point in the near future. The server will during the move be turned off for a couple of hours, and the IP-number will change. If you are performing work on obelix and need to know exactly when the move will happen, contact me.
Additional talk
A talk has been added to the spring list of presentations:
Monday 13th of February (note the unusual day of the week):
Olga Voevodskaya (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Engineering Physics at KTH):
The reliability of GABA measurements in the human brain by MRS at 3T
Monday 13th of February (note the unusual day of the week):
Olga Voevodskaya (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Engineering Physics at KTH):
The reliability of GABA measurements in the human brain by MRS at 3T
Upcoming courses
In the lab we aim for the following this spring:
Matlab for beginners -- planned for April
Linux for beginners -- planned for May
Additionally, a course in Compressed sensing and sparse signal processing will be given at KTH in February. Read more here.
Matlab for beginners -- planned for April
Linux for beginners -- planned for May
Additionally, a course in Compressed sensing and sparse signal processing will be given at KTH in February. Read more here.
Outcome of Atlas meeting
Today I attended the last Atlas meeting for medical physics. However, I did not become much wiser as to when the 15-net will be transformed to a pure server-net and our Imagelab machines will have to switch IP-numbers -- they didn't know. What was discovered though was that the PACS machine in the lab seems to have been forgotten by the X-ray department, but this will now soon be taken care of (I will be notified of when). After that, you cannot log on to the PACS machine if you do not have an HSA-ID. The manager can help getting you a HSA-ID if you do not have one.
Upcoming conferences of interest
These upcoming conferences may be of interest:
Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology: 3-7 June, Stockholm ( Deadline for abstracts 31/1.
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference: 14-19 July, Vancouver( Deadline for abstracts 30/1.
Human Brain Mapping: 10-14 June, Beijing (
Congress of Neuropsychopharmacology: 3-7 June, Stockholm ( Deadline for abstracts 31/1.
Alzheimer’s Association International Conference: 14-19 July, Vancouver( Deadline for abstracts 30/1.
Human Brain Mapping: 10-14 June, Beijing (
2012 spring talks
The spring talk academical calendar is as follows:
Thursday 26th of January:
Tomas Jonsson (PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet):
Characterization of the BOLD signal in functional MRI
Thursday 9th of February:
Farshad Falahati Asrami (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Linköping university):
Alzheimer's Disease Classification using K-OPLS and MRI
Thursday 23rd of February:
Raffaella Crinelli (PhD student at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society at Karolinska Institutet):
Thursday 15th of March:
Erika Jonsson Laukka (PhD at Aging Research Center and Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society at Karolinska Institutet):
Genetic effects on old-age cognitive functioning – a report from the population-based SNAC-K study
Thursday 26th of April:
Gareth Morgan (Senior lecturer at Department of Pathology, Karolinska University Hospital):
Microscopic image analysis in pathology
Thursday 31st of May:
Babak Hooshmand (PhD student at Aging Research Center and KI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet):
Folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin D in relation to cognitive performance and structural brain changes
Thursday 26th of January:
Tomas Jonsson (PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet):
Characterization of the BOLD signal in functional MRI
Thursday 9th of February:
Farshad Falahati Asrami (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Biomedical Engineering at Linköping university):
Alzheimer's Disease Classification using K-OPLS and MRI
Thursday 23rd of February:
Raffaella Crinelli (PhD student at Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society at Karolinska Institutet):
Thursday 15th of March:
Erika Jonsson Laukka (PhD at Aging Research Center and Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society at Karolinska Institutet):
Genetic effects on old-age cognitive functioning – a report from the population-based SNAC-K study
Thursday 26th of April:
Gareth Morgan (Senior lecturer at Department of Pathology, Karolinska University Hospital):
Microscopic image analysis in pathology
Thursday 31st of May:
Babak Hooshmand (PhD student at Aging Research Center and KI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet):
Folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin D in relation to cognitive performance and structural brain changes
Users' meetings
The first users' meeting of the spring has been held, and the minutes will shortly be available at the SMILE webpages (and be sent to the mailing list). The set dates for the spring users' meetings are:
14/2, 13/3, 10/4, 8/5 and 5/6.
14/2, 13/3, 10/4, 8/5 and 5/6.
Dissertation by Tomas Jonsson
Tomas Jonsson will defend his thesis on Friday 10th of February, at 09.00 in the lecture room C1-87, Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge. The title is "A Characterization of the BOLD signal in functional MRI", and you can read the thesis at
All are welcome!
All are welcome!
E-prime 2.0 by Psychology Software Tools, a program designed to facilitate the conception of any experiment that uses a computer as an interface between the subject and the experimenter, has now been installed on the PACS machine.
Users' meeting tomorrow
Tomorrow at 10 o'clock the first users' meeting of the spring term will be held in the R43 conference room. Note the time -- we are now implementing the change to an earlier time slot which was decided on at the last meeting. Hope to see you all there!
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