
IP-numbers reset

So, the IP-numbers have now been reset in the lab. As stated earlier, please contact the manager if you need them.

As a consequence of the resetting, az can now no longer reach the net. We will try to solve this, alternatively ask Hermes support to help.

The printer IP has not changed however (another department within IT has to do this). We will be advised when this happens, but please tell the manager if the printer should suddenly behave oddly.


Workshop on statistical analysis of neuroimaging data

Information about the next workshop by Rita Almeida:

The next workshop on statistical analysis of neuroimaging data will be held on Wednesday, 30th of May from 9.00 to 12.30.

The first 2 hours will be held at the Tellus room, Dept. of Neuroscience, Retzius Väg 8, KI Solna.
The last part, the tutorial, will take place in the computer room Space, close to the library at the Solna Campus.

I will talk about methods used to study  connectivity using functional brain imaging data, with focus on fMRI. The workshop is organized as follows:

9.00-9.45 and 10.00-10.45: "Analysis of connectivity using functional brain imaging data" - in these two seminars I will review methods to study functional and effective connectivity from functional brain imaging data, with focus on fMRI.

11.00 - 12.30: Tutorial.

Please do register by sending the manager an email if you are planning to attend the workshop. In particular, it is helpful to know if you are following the tutorial.


Brain 101 cancelled

The lecture tomorrow by Lars-Olof Wahlund has had to be cancelled on short notice. We will however return in the early autumn (September?) with a broader program on the same theme.


No Linux course tomorrow

Due to the low number of participants, the Linux mini-course tomorrow (May 22nd) has been canceled. The next opportunity for learning more about Linux will take place in the autumn.

The 15-net is being closed down

On Monday 28th of May all IP numbers at SMILE will be changed, due to a policy decision by the hospital about the use and function of each number net. We will be given the new numbers shortly.

Please contact the manager ASAP if the IP number change will conflict with any activities you are planning to perform on the computers. Please also contact me if you need the new IP numbers for connecting remotely after next Monday.

Carlos and I will during next week work on re-setting SMILE's external connections to the MR cameras etc.


Dissertation by Olof Lindberg

Olof Lindberg will defend his thesis on Tuesday 19th of June, at 11.30 in the lecture room Hörsalen on floor 4, Novum, Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge. The title is "The aging frontal lobe in health and disease: a structural magnetic resonance imaging study", and you can read the thesis at


Brain 101

On Thursday May 24th, Lars-Olof Wahlund, professor at Clinical Geriatrics, Karolinska Institutet, will give a lecture entitled "The Brain for Beginners -- Introduction to neuroscience".

The intended audience are engineers, physicists and other personel who come into contact with anatomical or functional features of the brain but never took anatomy classes, so that they hear terms like "caudatus" and "FTLD" without really knowing their meaning.

The lecture is given at 13.20-15.00 in Kursrum 2 (K64) at Huddinge university hospital. Feel free to download the flyer and invite your colleagues!

Linux for beginners

Given enough interest, there will be a course for absolute beginners in how to use a Linux-based system. You can read more about the contents of the course here:


The course is scheduled for May 22nd at 13-16. Please contact the manager to sign up!


Verify publications

All researchers are kindly requested to verify their publications in the KI/SLL bibliometric database before May 31st. You can find the database here:

Note that address information must also be supplied for a publication in order for it to be properly verified.