New coffee maker
Access to the webpages
Atlas again
Fokus Flemingsberg
(in Swedish only) -- look to page 4-6 for an interview with Peter Aspelin and Gabriela Spulber.
neuGRID certificates
Workshop on statistical analysis of neuroimaging data
Rita will talk about experimental design for neuroimaging, with focus on fMRI. The planned schedule follows the same organization as before:
13.00-13.45: "Experimental design for functional neuroimaging"- this first seminar will be an introduction to experimental design with focus on functional magnetic resonance imaging and analysis using the general linear model. It is prepared to be a stand-alone overview.
14.00-14.45: " Experimental design for functional neuroimaging - part II", this seminar will focus on more technical aspects and examples.15.00 - 16.00: Tutorial. Suggested reading are chapters 13 and 15 of the Statistical parametric mapping book by Friston et al. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780123725608
Please contact the manager to sign up for the workshop!
Atlas is arriving
The computers at SMILE will not be touched (with one exception) but changes around SMILE will still affect us -- so that sometime next week all IP numbers to the lab computers will change (I have not been given information about the exact date or what the new numbers will be). We can probably expect other glitches as well.
The only computer in the lab to be touched by Atlas is the PACS computer. I have not been given information on when this will happen, but I expect it to be soon (certainly before Christmas). I strongly recommend all users who have data on the desktop or file system of the PACS computer to back it up securely, as soon as possible!
Workshop on statistical analysis of neuroimaging data
The workshop will continue with the general linear model analysis, discussing group analyses and corrections for multiple comparisons.The planned schedule follows the same organization as before:
9.00-9.50: "Statistical inference on functional neuroimaging data: group analyses and corrections for multiple comparisons" - this first seminar will be an introduction to both group analyses and the problem of multiple-comparisons in the analysis of neuroimaging data, with emphasis on fMRI data. It is prepared to be a stand-alone overview.
10.00-10.50: "Statistical inference on functional neuroimaging data: group analysis and corrections for multiple comparisons- part II", will focus on more technical aspects of inference on neuroimaging data.
11.00 - 12.30: Tutorial. If there are people interested we can go over the tutorial of the previous session too.
Register by sending the manager an email if you are planning to attend the workshop. (In particular, it is helpful to know if you are following the tutorial, since that requires some practical arrangements.)
Bamboo pen missing
The tablet will not work without the pen, so if you have seen it, please tell the manager! The pen is not useful in itself and comes with a small charging station to store it in.
Talk moved
New talk
Thursday 13th of October: Mahsa Fatahi (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in Medical Imaging at KTH):
Progression of Multiple Sclerosis related atrophy, evaluated by MRI based FSL volumetric method
It will take place at 11.00 in the R43 conference room (as always).
Nobel forum halfday
KI webpage.
2011 autumn talks
Thursday 29th of September:
Gareth Morgan (Senior lecturer at Department of Pathology, Karolinska University Hospital):
Microscopic image analysis in pathology
Thursday 20th of October:
Yanlu Wang (PhD student at Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology at Karolinska Institutet):
Functional Network Identification in Human Resting-state fMRI using Hierarchical Clustering by Time-Lagged Correlations
Thursday 27th of October:
Virginija Karrenbauer (PhD student at Department of clinical neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet) and collaborators:
Comparison of MRI lesion location in multiple sclerosis patients with and without oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid
Thursday 24th of November:
Babak Hooshmand (PhD student at Aging Research Center and KI Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), Karolinska Institutet):
The impact of homocysteine and B vitamins on Alzheimer's disease, cognitive performance, and structural brain changes
Thursday 15th of December:
Carl-Henrik Ehrenkrona (student at Department of Psychology, Karolinska University Hospital): Atrophy, reserve and compensation:
A tentative framework for understanding brain-cognition relationships in aging. Preliminary results from the SNAC-K project
Dissertation by Michael Schöll
All are welcome!
Dissertation by Gunnar Herlin
All are welcome!
New exam work available!
For more information, please contact Peter Damberg or Stefan Brené (ask the manager for their contact details).
Dissertation by Johanna Öberg
All are welcome!
New exam workers
We have two new exam workers in the lab:
- Olga Voevodskaia from KTH will work with Tie and Martin on a thesis about the reliability of GABA measurements using MRS
- Farshad Asrami from Linköping University is supervised by Eric and Carlos on a project for AD classification using multivariate analysis
Donation to KTH
You can read more about the donation and the center in Dagens Medicin (in Swedish) here and here.
SMILE is represented in the center development group by Peter Aspelin and Eva.
Brain Power meeting
Yet another postdoc position
neuGRID success
One more postdoc position
Postdoc position
Exam work project wanted
New Statistica courses
This term there will be no courses in Huddinge, but there are two opportunities in Solna: October 25-28 (block 1+2) and December 6-9 (block 1+2). See the flyer on the noticeboard in the lab for more details, or ask the manager.
Next users' meeting
First autumn seminar
Soheil Damangir (Exam work presentation for the Master’s degree in System Control and Robotics at KTH): Fully Automatic Segmentation of White Matter Lesions
Iranian collaboration
Log out of Matlab, please
New SMILE email list address
I will not give out the list address here for spam reasons -- if you haven't received the new list address in the email, send me a message to get it.
Open exam work project
New cooling unit
Valhall is not feeling well
Hermes service
No ventilation
Talk tomorrow!
The title of the talk is "Quantification of myocardial perfusion rest-stress change in SPECT -- without the use of normal templates".
All are welcome!
The end of the GSK project
Excerpts from the letter from GSK:
The last subject participating in the study completed examination on the 30th of May 2011. The overall safety profile of the compound remains favorable, no new microbleeds have been reported from any subjects on active treatment and no cases of vasogenic edema have been reported. [...] I hope that you agree with us, saying that it has been an interesting and challenging study for us all.
On behalf of the BA study team we would like to thank you all for your valuable support around the phase I program of our compound. We couldn’t have achieved this important milestone without your important engagement, and contribution. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with you all.
All the best
For the BA study team
Pia Lisjö
Global Study Manager
More on the SSBA summer school on image registration
There is now an update with practical information here:
Note that the deadline for registration is June 30th!
MR basics, again
New seminar
Cancelled seminar
Even though there is no seminar today, the seminar series is not yet over for the summer. We will have a seminar next week (by Lena Cavallin, I will send a reminder later), and also an extra seminar by Tomas Jonsson on the news from the ISMRM conference, on a date to be decided.
The Hermes situation
At the board meeting it was decided to keep the HERMES computers and not to remove HERMES. Users can use those computers and can ask the manager to install other softwares on them if they want to.
neuGRID introduction on Wednesday 18th of May
neuGRID supplies the individual researcher with powerful computational resources, sophisticated algorithms with which to process brain images, and database access -- all within easy reach from the personal laptop (you can read more about neuGRID on our dedicated neuGRID web page).
The neuGRID event will take place on the 18th of May at 13-16 in the X-ray department's library in Huddinge (C2-42). All are welcome!
We will cover the following aspects:
- What is neuGRID? (13-14)
- What is a grid?
- How to create a certificate
- Overview of the functionalities inside neuGRID
- What is a grid?
- The LONI pipeline tool (14-15)
- Creating scripts with gLite (15-16)
Autumn's users' meetings
Cancelled users' meeting
Moved users' meetings
MRI and PET lectures at Novum on May 3rd
On May 3rd there will be two public talks:
"Introduction of MRI imaging technique and application in
neuro-degenerative diseases".
Elna-Marie Larsson, professor, överläkare
Akademiska Hospitqal, Uppsala
"Development of PET tracers and use of PET in neurodegenerative diseases".
Bengt Långström, Professor
Uppsala University,
Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry
Faculty of Technology and Science, Uppsala, SWEDEN
Place: Seminar room in Geriatric-lab, Novum 4th floor
Kuopio workshops
14th Bio-NMR Workshop (MRI of stroke, epilepsy
and neurodegenerative diseases)
PredictAD workshop
Venue: University of Eastern Finland, Mediteknia Auditorium, Kuopio, Finland.
Organizers: Biomedical Imaging Unit, A.I. Virtanen Institute for
Molecular Sciences, Graduate School of Molecular Medicine, and
Institute of Clinical Medicine, Neurology, University of Eastern Finland
These workshops will cover topics from basic principles of MRI
techniques to applications in studies of neurodegenerative diseases
and finally to clinical studies. The aim is to bring together
international renowned faculty of MRI researchers from both
experimental and clinical research environment.
Please, register by May 31, 2011. (Deadline for Abstracts is May 15, 2011.)
New seminar on 19th of May
Virginija Karrenbauer (PhD student at Department of clinical neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet) and collaborators:
Comparison of MRI lesion location in multiple sclerosis patients with and without oligoclonal bands in the cerebrospinal fluid
All are welcome!
Change of title
"Pre-processing of resting-state fMRI".
ISMRM 2011
Goodbye to Ariadna
Summer school on image registration
You can find more information here:
N4U passed!
Brain Imaging course
Formal consent for PACS
Workshop on support vector machines by KI's Rita Almeida
When: 14th April, 9.00-12.00
Where: KI, Dept. of Neuroscience, Retzius Väg 8 (room to be determined)
Who: Anyone interested
Costs: None
The 1st hour Rita will provide an overview of 'Multivariate pattern classification for neuroimaging' with a focus on fMRI. The 2nd hour will be a lecture on 'Applications of multivariate pattern classification' . Depending on the number of participants the 3rd hour will consist of a hands on tutorial (software will be provided beforehand).
For those interested in participating, please send an email to Tim Ziermans (tim.ziermans@ki.se)!
New dishwasher
Welcome back Julia!
New stapler
More memory in freja
AstraZeneca MR meeting
Broken dishwasher
Update on seminars
The seminar by Ariadna Besga on Thursday 7th of April has been cancelled.
The title of Inge van der Kroon's talk on Thursday 14th of April is "CT and MRI brain tissue fractions, what is it what we really get".
HERMES meeting
In order to discuss this, we will have a meeting on Tuesday 5th of April at 10.00 in the R43 conference room (just before the ordinary users' meeting at 11.00). If you are interested in the future of HERMES in the Imagelab I hope you can attend this meeting! In order to prepare for the meeting, please think about what functions you use inside HERMES and if you know any other software which could be used instead (such as ITK-SNAP for manual tracing).
Statistica on Youtube
Statistica is installed on the new PACS-machine in the lab.
MR basics lecture
Linux mini-course
Going to Brussels
Moved users' meeting
Lecture on brain pathology
Last neuGRID meeting
Cards under control again
Card panic!
As has been announced last summer (see e.g. this blog entry) the hospital is upgrading its entrance systems. The change was originally scheduled to take place last autumn, but delays have postponed the new card reader installation at R43 until this spring.
Today, completely out of the blue without any advance notice, the new card readers were installed. This means that your cards do not open the R43 corridor or the SMILE door anymore. I have been expecting the arrival of instructions from the security department on how to deal with upgrading your cards, but have not received any. I am struggling to find out how to do it, but important people at the security department are ill and I have not been able to solve this yet.
How difficult it will be to upgrade your card depends on where you work and other things.
* If you are hired by Karolinska Hospital and have a Swedish personal number you probably already have a SIS-marked card. All you need to do then is to contact me and give me some details such as your personal number. I can then send an email and your card will probably work almost at once.
* If you are hired by the hospital but do not have a Swedish personal number you will have to get an OSIS card. I'm not sure how to order those yet.
* If you are not hired by the hospital but need access to PACS, TakeCare or other hospital computer systems you also need to have an OSIS card.
* I think this goes for most of you: if you are not hired by Karolinska Hospital and do not need to have access to PACS etc, but just want to be able to open the doors, you will need to have a K-badge. I also do not know how to order K-badges, but I'm sure that you will need to have your photo taken by the hospital photographer in the process.
I will hopefully find out how these things work within a few days. Meanwhile, I want to start collecting information from those of you who wish to renew your access to the SMILE doors.
All those who want to be able to open both SMILE doors, please contact me ASAP. I will then ask you for the details I think are needed from you in order to get you renewed access.
To try and minimize the bother for the physicists with offices close to the entrance door, please call me on 08-585 848 07 when you are standing outside the R43 corridor door and I will come and open it for you.
PACS is here
As said earlier, the old machine has been removed. If you urgently find that you have forgotten to back-up important files on it, I can still get hold of the technician who took it away -- he hsa promised to keep it for a few weeks before getting rid of it.
Update on freja connections
Working from home
New PACS machine
Linux mini-course
Matlab learning activity
Welcome back Ariadna!
Our guest from the Netherlands, Inge van der Kroon, will also present a talk, on Thursday 14th of April.
KI course on molecular imaging
You can read more about the course at this address: http://kiwas.ki.se/katalog/katalog/kurs/820
Please contact Dr. Karen Belkic if you are interested in attending! Phone 08-518 72184, email Karen.Belkic@ki.se
neuGRID report
Low amount of updates recently
Another moved presentation
Wanted: exam work projects
Connections to freja fixed!
Moved presentation
Spring activities
We have several upcoming learning events planned for the spring.
- An introductory activity to Matlab will be held on Tuesday 22nd of February
- A one-hour introductory lecture to the pathological states of the brain will be held on Monday 14th of March
- An introductory activity to the LONI Pipeline Processing Environment will be held on Thursday 5th of May
- An introductory lecture to the absolute basics of MR physics will be given upon request
More detailed information will be given soon, but please remember to indicate interest for these activites as a minimum of 3-5 participants are needed for them to be given! Send an email to or give the manager a call.