
Blog via email

I've realized that there are several ways to read blog posts via email. You can 1) get one email with the contents of each post, or you can 2) have a digest with links and truncated blog posts, or you can also 3) have one email with all new posts in a day sent to you. I'd missed the last alternative. That's why you are all getting a digest email with worthless links -- I didn't want to clutter up your mailboxes with lots of email. But since the blog is not overly active I'd say that alternative 1) and 3) are also attractive. As a test I've changed the settings so that you will have one email with all new posts in a day sent to you. Give me a shout if you don't like it!

In case you want to access the blog directly, the address is http://smileki.blogspot.com/

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